There are many options when your company needs to supply custom PDU Cables or other specialty cable configurations. You could purchase the components through your local distributor and fabricate them with your own personnel or purchase them from one of Visionary Electrical Solutions’ many competitors. Most agree that fabricating them in-house is likely to be the most expensive option.

Let’s face it, these cable assemblies are commodity items. The cable, cord, liquidtite, fittings, boxes and wiring devices are all standard catalogue items. The decision where your company should purchase PDU and other specialty cable assemblies comes down to quality, price and lead-time.

Quality: We start by using only UL-Listed components from leaders in the industry that will meet with your project specifications. Shop drawings are created for use in production to ensure a proper build and assist in final labeling requirements. After fabrication is complete all assemblies are thoroughly tested first for simple continuity followed by hi-pot testing. Labeling will only occur after all testing has been satisfactorily completed.

Price: Visionary Electrical Solutions’ is not a contractor, we are an OEM Manufacturer and we buy direct from the biggest names in the industry. We do not pay a distributor mark-up or an agent’s commission. Distributor mark-up and agent commissions can add as much as 40% to the materials a contractor would purchase to fabricate PDU and other specialty cables in-house. A large portion of this savings is passed on to your company. Additionally, as it has been from our humble beginnings in 2007, our philosophy and objective is not to hit homeruns with every order. To the contrary, our goal is to build a satisfied customer base that will provide us with repeat business for years to come.

Lead-Time: Our firm has earned a reputation for being able to do the near impossible. Limited only to component availability, we can turn around most orders in a matter of days. Simply put, we will do what we have to in order to ensure that our customers can do their jobs to satisfy their clients. If this means we must work overtime then so be it – and we will not pass these extra costs on to you – again, we are looking to build a loyal and repeat customer base.

Whether your PDU cable and other custom cable assemblies call out for Liquidtite, MC-Cable, FMC or Cord, and no matter if they include Pin & Sleeve, Twist-Lock or any other device, be assured that Visionary Electrical Solutions can design and fabricate them with minimal lead time and at the best possible cost.

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